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QYResearch社発行の当調査資料ではグローバルにおける水冷遠心式チラーの市場規模(2016年-2027年)と動向についてまとめました。中国市場については主要プレイヤーの市場シェア、水冷遠心式チラーの種類別市場規模(<500Tチラー、500-1000Tチラー、1000-2000Tチラー、> 2000Tチラー)、用途別市場規模(商業用、工業用、その他)も掲載しています。他に、北米・アメリカ市場、ヨーロッパ市場、アジア太平洋・日本市場、中南米市場、中東・アフリカ市場の市場規模、グローバル市場機会・課題・リスク要因、バリューチェーン・販売チャネル、主要プレイヤーの情報なども掲載しています。 ・調査の概要 ・調査のサマリー ・世界の水冷遠心式チラー市場動向 ・グローバル主要プレイヤーの競争状況・市場シェア ・世界における水冷遠心式チラーの種類別市場規模(2016年-2027年):<500Tチラー、500-1000Tチラー、1000-2000Tチラー、> 2000Tチラー ・世界における水冷遠心式チラーの用途別市場規模(2016年-2027年):商業用、工業用、その他 ・水冷遠心式チラーの中国市場分析 - 水冷遠心式チラーの中国市場規模(2016年-2027年) - 中国における水冷遠心式チラーの主要プレイヤー別市場シェア - 中国における水冷遠心式チラーの種類別市場規模:<500Tチラー、500-1000Tチラー、1000-2000Tチラー、> 2000Tチラー - 中国における水冷遠心式チラーの用途別市場規模:商業用、工業用、その他 ・水冷遠心式チラーの北米市場(2016年-2027年) ・水冷遠心式チラーのヨーロッパ市場(2016年-2027年) ・水冷遠心式チラーのアジア太平洋市場(2016年-2027年) ・水冷遠心式チラーの中南米市場(2016年-2027年) ・水冷遠心式チラーの中東・アフリカ市場(2016年-2027年) ・主要プレイヤーの情報:Johnson Controls、Carrier、Trane、DAIKIN、Haier、TICA、LG、Climaveneta、Midea、Multistack、MHI Group、Suzhou BSE ・市場機会・課題・リスク要因分析 ・バリューチェーン・販売チャネル分析 ・... |
Water-cooled centrifugal chillers are typically intended for indoor installation and operation, and are cooled by a separate condenser water loop and connected to outdoor cooling towers to expel heat to the atmosphere.
Market Analysis and Insights: Global and China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market
This report focuses on global and China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers market.
In 2020, the global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers market size was US$ XX million and it is expected to reach US$ XX million by the end of 2027, with a CAGR of XX% during 2021-2027. In China the Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers market size is expected to grow from US$ XX million in 2020 to US$ XX million by 2027, at a CAGR of XX% during the forecast period.
Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Scope and Market Size
Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers market is segmented by region (country), players, by Type, and by Application. Players, stakeholders, and other participants in the global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers market will be able to gain the upper hand as they use the report as a powerful resource. The segmental analysis focuses on revenue and forecast by region (country), by Type and by Application in terms of revenue and forecast for the period 2016-2027.
For China market, this report focuses on the Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers market size by players, by Type, and by Application, for the period 2016-2027. The key players include the global and local players which play important roles in China.
Segment by Type
<500T Chillers
500-1000T Chillers
1000-2000T Chillers
>2000T Chillers
Segment by Application
By Region
North America
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
By Company
Johnson Controls
MHI Group
Suzhou BSE
1 Study Coverage
1.1 Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Product Introduction
1.2 Market by Type
1.2.1 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Size Growth Rate by Type
1.2.2 <500T Chillers
1.2.3 500-1000T Chillers
1.2.4 1000-2000T Chillers
1.2.5 >2000T Chillers
1.3 Market by Application
1.3.1 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Size Growth Rate by Application
1.3.2 Commercial
1.3.3 Industrial
1.3.4 Others
1.4 Study Objectives
1.5 Years Considered
2 Executive Summary
2.1 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Size, Estimates and Forecasts
2.1.1 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue 2016-2027
2.1.2 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales 2016-2027
2.2 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers, Market Size by Region: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027
2.3 Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Historical Market Size by Region (2016-2021)
2.3.1 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Retrospective Market Scenario in Sales by Region: 2016-2021
2.3.2 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Retrospective Market Scenario in Revenue by Region: 2016-2021
2.4 Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Estimates and Projections by Region (2022-2027)
2.4.1 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Forecast by Region (2022-2027)
2.4.2 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Forecast by Region (2022-2027)
3 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Competitor Landscape by Players
3.1 Global Top Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Manufacturers by Sales
3.1.1 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales by Manufacturer (2016-2021)
3.1.2 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Market Share by Manufacturer (2016-2021)
3.2 Global Top Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Manufacturers by Revenue
3.2.1 Key Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Manufacturers Covered: Ranking by Revenue
3.2.2 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue by Manufacturers (2016-2021)
3.2.3 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Share by Manufacturers (2016-2021)
3.2.4 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) (2016-2021)
3.2.5 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue in 2020
3.2.6 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3)
3.3 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Price by Manufacturers
3.4 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Manufacturing Base Distribution, Product Types
3.4.1 Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Manufacturers Manufacturing Base Distribution, Headquarters
3.4.2 Manufacturers Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Product Type
3.4.3 Date of International Manufacturers Enter into Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market
3.5 Manufacturers Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans
4 Breakdown Data by Type (2016-2027)
4.1 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Size by Type (2016-2021)
4.1.1 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales by Type (2016-2021)
4.1.2 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue by Type (2016-2021)
4.1.3 Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Average Selling Price (ASP) by Type (2016-2021)
4.2 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Size Forecast by Type (2022-2027)
4.2.1 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Forecast by Type (2022-2027)
4.2.2 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Forecast by Type (2022-2027)
4.2.3 Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Average Selling Price (ASP) Forecast by Type (2022-2027)
5 Breakdown Data by Application (2016-2027)
5.1 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Size by Application (2016-2021)
5.1.1 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales by Application (2016-2021)
5.1.2 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue by Application (2016-2021)
5.1.3 Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Price by Application (2016-2021)
5.2 Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Size Forecast by Application (2022-2027)
5.2.1 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Forecast by Application (2022-2027)
5.2.2 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Forecast by Application (2022-2027)
5.2.3 Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Price Forecast by Application (2022-2027)
6 China by Players, Type and Application
6.1 China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027
6.1.1 China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales YoY Growth 2016-2027
6.1.2 China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue YoY Growth 2016-2027
6.1.3 China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Share in Global Market 2016-2027
6.2 China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Size by Players (International and Local Players)
6.2.1 China Top Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Players by Sales (2016-2021)
6.2.2 China Top Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Players by Revenue (2016-2021)
6.3 China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Historic Market Review by Type (2016-2021)
6.3.1 China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Market Share by Type (2016-2021)
6.3.2 China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Market Share by Type (2016-2021)
6.3.3 China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Price by Type (2016-2021)
6.4 China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Estimates and Forecasts by Type (2022-2027)
6.4.1 China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Forecast by Type (2022-2027)
6.4.2 China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Forecast by Type (2022-2027)
6.4.3 China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Price Forecast by Type (2022-2027)
6.5 China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Historic Market Review by Application (2016-2021)
6.5.1 China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Market Share by Application (2016-2021)
6.5.2 China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Market Share by Application (2016-2021)
6.5.3 China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Price by Application (2016-2021)
6.6 China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Estimates and Forecasts by Application (2022-2027)
6.6.1 China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Forecast by Application (2022-2027)
6.6.2 China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Forecast by Application (2022-2027)
6.6.3 China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Price Forecast by Application (2022-2027)
7 North America
7.1 North America Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027
7.2 North America Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Facts & Figures by Country
7.2.1 North America Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales by Country (2016-2021)
7.2.2 North America Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue by Country (2016-2021)
7.2.3 U.S.
7.2.4 Canada
8 Asia Pacific
8.1 Asia Pacific Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027
8.2 Asia Pacific Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Facts & Figures by Region
8.2.1 Asia Pacific Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales by Region (2016-2021)
8.2.2 Asia Pacific Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue by Region (2016-2021)
8.2.3 China
8.2.4 Japan
8.2.5 South Korea
8.2.6 India
8.2.7 Australia
8.2.8 Australia
8.2.9 Indonesia
8.2.10 Thailand
8.2.11 Malaysia
8.2.12 Philippines
8.2.13 Vietnam
9 Europe
9.1 Europe Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027
9.2 Europe Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Facts & Figures by Country
9.2.1 Europe Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales by Country (2016-2021)
9.2.2 Europe Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue by Country (2016-2021)
9.2.3 Germany
9.2.4 France
9.2.5 U.K.
9.2.6 Italy
10 Latin America
10.1 Latin America Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027
10.2 Latin America Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Facts & Figures by Country
10.2.1 Latin America Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales by Country (2016-2021)
10.2.2 Latin America Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue by Country (2016-2021)
10.2.3 Mexico
10.2.4 Brazil
10.2.5 Argentina
11 Middle East and Africa
11.1 Middle East and Africa Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Size YoY Growth 2016-2027
11.2 Middle East and Africa Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Facts & Figures by Country
11.2.1 Middle East and Africa Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales by Country (2016-2021)
11.2.2 Middle East and Africa Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue by Country (2016-2021)
11.2.3 Turkey
11.2.4 Saudi Arabia
11.2.5 UAE
12 Company Profiles
12.1 Johnson Controls
12.1.1 Johnson Controls Corporation Information
12.1.2 Johnson Controls Description and Business Overview
12.1.3 Johnson Controls Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021)
12.1.4 Johnson Controls Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Products Offered
12.1.5 Johnson Controls Recent Development
12.2 Carrier
12.2.1 Carrier Corporation Information
12.2.2 Carrier Description and Business Overview
12.2.3 Carrier Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021)
12.2.4 Carrier Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Products Offered
12.2.5 Carrier Recent Development
12.3 Trane
12.3.1 Trane Corporation Information
12.3.2 Trane Description and Business Overview
12.3.3 Trane Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021)
12.3.4 Trane Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Products Offered
12.3.5 Trane Recent Development
12.4.1 DAIKIN Corporation Information
12.4.2 DAIKIN Description and Business Overview
12.4.3 DAIKIN Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021)
12.4.4 DAIKIN Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Products Offered
12.4.5 DAIKIN Recent Development
12.5 Haier
12.5.1 Haier Corporation Information
12.5.2 Haier Description and Business Overview
12.5.3 Haier Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021)
12.5.4 Haier Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Products Offered
12.5.5 Haier Recent Development
12.6 TICA
12.6.1 TICA Corporation Information
12.6.2 TICA Description and Business Overview
12.6.3 TICA Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021)
12.6.4 TICA Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Products Offered
12.6.5 TICA Recent Development
12.7 LG
12.7.1 LG Corporation Information
12.7.2 LG Description and Business Overview
12.7.3 LG Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021)
12.7.4 LG Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Products Offered
12.7.5 LG Recent Development
12.8 Climaveneta
12.8.1 Climaveneta Corporation Information
12.8.2 Climaveneta Description and Business Overview
12.8.3 Climaveneta Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021)
12.8.4 Climaveneta Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Products Offered
12.8.5 Climaveneta Recent Development
12.9 Midea
12.9.1 Midea Corporation Information
12.9.2 Midea Description and Business Overview
12.9.3 Midea Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021)
12.9.4 Midea Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Products Offered
12.9.5 Midea Recent Development
12.10 Multistack
12.10.1 Multistack Corporation Information
12.10.2 Multistack Description and Business Overview
12.10.3 Multistack Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021)
12.10.4 Multistack Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Products Offered
12.10.5 Multistack Recent Development
12.11 Johnson Controls
12.11.1 Johnson Controls Corporation Information
12.11.2 Johnson Controls Description and Business Overview
12.11.3 Johnson Controls Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021)
12.11.4 Johnson Controls Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Products Offered
12.11.5 Johnson Controls Recent Development
12.12 Suzhou BSE
12.12.1 Suzhou BSE Corporation Information
12.12.2 Suzhou BSE Description and Business Overview
12.12.3 Suzhou BSE Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2016-2021)
12.12.4 Suzhou BSE Products Offered
12.12.5 Suzhou BSE Recent Development
13 Market Opportunities, Challenges, Risks and Influences Factors Analysis
13.1 Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Industry Trends
13.2 Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Drivers
13.3 Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Challenges
13.4 Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Restraints
14 Value Chain and Sales Channels Analysis
14.1 Value Chain Analysis
14.2 Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Customers
14.3 Sales Channels Analysis
14.3.1 Sales Channels
14.3.2 Distributors
15 Research Findings and Conclusion
16 Appendix
16.1 Research Methodology
16.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach
16.1.2 Data Source
16.2 Author Details
16.3 Disclaimer
Table 1. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Size Growth Rate by Type, 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 (US$ Million)
Table 2. Major Manufacturers of <500T Chillers
Table 3. Major Manufacturers of 500-1000T Chillers
Table 4. Major Manufacturers of 1000-2000T Chillers
Table 5. Major Manufacturers of >2000T Chillers
Table 6. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Size Growth Rate by Application (2021-2027) & (Unit)
Table 7. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Size by Region (Unit) & (US$ Million), 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027
Table 8. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales by Regions (2016-2021) & (Unit)
Table 9. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Market Share by Regions (2016-2021)
Table 10. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue by Regions (2016-2021) & (US$ Million)
Table 11. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Forecast by Region (2022-2027) & (Unit)
Table 12. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Market Share Forecast by Region (2022-2027)
Table 13. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Forecast by Region (2022-2027) & (US$ Million)
Table 14. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Market Share Forecast by Region (2022-2027)
Table 15. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales by Manufacturers (2016-2021) (Unit)
Table 16. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Share by Manufacturers (2016-2021)
Table 17. Ranking of Global Top Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Manufacturers by Revenue (US$ Million) in 2020
Table 18. Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue by Manufacturers (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Table 19. Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Share by Manufacturers (2016-2021)
Table 20. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Manufacturers Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) & (2016-2021)
Table 21. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3) (based on the Revenue in Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers as of 2020)
Table 22. Key Manufacturers Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Price (2016-2021) (US$/Unit)
Table 23. Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Manufacturers Manufacturing Base Distribution and Headquarters
Table 24. Manufacturers Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Product Type
Table 25. Date of International Manufacturers Enter into Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market
Table 26. Manufacturers Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans
Table 27. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales by Type (2016-2021) (Unit)
Table 28. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Share by Type (2016-2021)
Table 29. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue by Type (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Table 30. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Share by Type (2016-2021)
Table 31. Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Average Selling Price (ASP) by Type (2016-2021) & (US$/Unit)
Table 32. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Forecast by Type (2022-2027) & (Unit)
Table 33. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Market Share Forecast by Type (2022-2027)
Table 34. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Forecast V (2022-2027) & (US$ Million)
Table 35. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Market Share Forecast by Type (2022-2027)
Table 36. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Average Selling Price (ASP) Forecast by Type (2022-2027) & (US$/Unit)
Table 37. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales by Application (2016-2021) (Unit)
Table 38. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Share by Application (2016-2021)
Table 39. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue by Application (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Table 40. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Share by Application (2016-2021)
Table 41. Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Average Selling Price (ASP) by Application (2016-2021) & (US$/Unit)
Table 42. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Forecast by Application (2022-2027) & (Unit)
Table 43. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Market Share Forecast by Application (2022-2027)
Table 44. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Forecast by Application (2022-2027) & (US$ Million)
Table 45. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Market Share Forecast by Application (2022-2027)
Table 46. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Average Selling Price (ASP) Forecast by Application (2022-2027) & (US$/Unit)
Table 47. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales (Unit) of Key Companies (2016-2021)
Table 48. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Share by Company (2016-2021)
Table 49. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue (US$ Million) by Company (2016-2021)
Table 50. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Share by Company (2016-2021)
Table 51. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales (Unit) by Type (2016-2021)
Table 52. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Share by Type (2016-2021)
Table 53. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue (US$ Million) Market Share by Type (2016-2021)
Table 54. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Price (US$/Unit) by Type (2016-2021)
Table 55. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales (Unit) by Type (2022-2027)
Table 56. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Share by Type (2022-2027)
Table 57. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue (US$ Million) Market Share by Type (2022-2027)
Table 58. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Share by Type (2022-2027)
Table 59. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Price (US$/Unit) by Type (2022-2027)
Table 60. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales (Unit) by Application (2016-2021)
Table 61. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Share by Application (2016-2021)
Table 62. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue (US$ Million) Market Share by Application (2016-2021)
Table 63. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Price (US$/Unit) by Application (2016-2021)
Table 64. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales (Unit) by Application (2022-2027)
Table 65. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Share by Application (2022-2027)
Table 66. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue (US$ Million) Market Share by Application (2022-2027)
Table 67. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Share by Application (2022-2027)
Table 68. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Price (US$/Unit) by Application (2022-2027)
Table 69. North America Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales by Country (2016-2021) & (Unit)
Table 70. North America Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Market Share by Country (2016-2021)
Table 71. North America Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue by Country (2016-2021) & (US$ Million)
Table 72. North America Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Market Share by Country (2016-2021)
Table 73. Asia Pacific Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales by Region (2016-2021) & (Unit)
Table 74. Asia Pacific Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Market Share by Region (2016-2021)
Table 75. Asia Pacific Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue by Region (2016-2021) & (US$ Million)
Table 76. Asia Pacific Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Market Share by Region (2016-2021)
Table 77. Europe Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales by Country (2016-2021) & (Unit)
Table 78. Europe Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Market Share by Country (2016-2021)
Table 79. Europe Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue by Country (2016-2021) & (US$ Million)
Table 80. Europe Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Market Share by Country (2016-2021)
Table 81. Latin America Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales by Country (2016-2021) & (Unit)
Table 82. Latin America Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Market Share by Country (2016-2021)
Table 83. Latin Americaa Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue by Country (2016-2021) & (US$ Million)
Table 84. Latin America Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Market Share by Country (2016-2021)
Table 85. Middle East and Africa Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales by Country (2016-2021) & (Unit)
Table 86. Middle East and Africa Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Market Share by Country (2016-2021)
Table 87. Middle East and Africa Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue by Country (2016-2021) & (US$ Million)
Table 88. Middle East and Africa Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Market Share by Country (2016-2021)
Table 89. Johnson Controls Corporation Information
Table 90. Johnson Controls Description and Business Overview
Table 91. Johnson Controls Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales (Unit), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (2016-2021)
Table 92. Johnson Controls Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Product
Table 93. Johnson Controls Recent Development
Table 94. Carrier Corporation Information
Table 95. Carrier Description and Business Overview
Table 96. Carrier Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales (Unit), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (2016-2021)
Table 97. Carrier Product
Table 98. Carrier Recent Development
Table 99. Trane Corporation Information
Table 100. Trane Description and Business Overview
Table 101. Trane Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales (Unit), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (2016-2021)
Table 102. Trane Product
Table 103. Trane Recent Development
Table 104. DAIKIN Corporation Information
Table 105. DAIKIN Description and Business Overview
Table 106. DAIKIN Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales (Unit), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (2016-2021)
Table 107. DAIKIN Product
Table 108. DAIKIN Recent Development
Table 109. Haier Corporation Information
Table 110. Haier Description and Business Overview
Table 111. Haier Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales (Unit), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (2016-2021)
Table 112. Haier Product
Table 113. Haier Recent Development
Table 114. TICA Corporation Information
Table 115. TICA Description and Business Overview
Table 116. TICA Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales (Unit), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (2016-2021)
Table 117. TICA Product
Table 118. TICA Recent Development
Table 119. LG Corporation Information
Table 120. LG Description and Business Overview
Table 121. LG Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales (Unit), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (2016-2021)
Table 122. LG Product
Table 123. LG Recent Development
Table 124. Climaveneta Corporation Information
Table 125. Climaveneta Description and Business Overview
Table 126. Climaveneta Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales (Unit), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (2016-2021)
Table 127. Climaveneta Product
Table 128. Climaveneta Recent Development
Table 129. Midea Corporation Information
Table 130. Midea Description and Business Overview
Table 131. Midea Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales (Unit), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (2016-2021)
Table 132. Midea Product
Table 133. Midea Recent Development
Table 134. Multistack Corporation Information
Table 135. Multistack Description and Business Overview
Table 136. Multistack Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales (Unit), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (2016-2021)
Table 137. Multistack Product
Table 138. Multistack Recent Development
Table 139. MHI Group Corporation Information
Table 140. MHI Group Description and Business Overview
Table 141. MHI Group Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales (Unit), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (2016-2021)
Table 142. MHI Group Product
Table 143. MHI Group Recent Development
Table 144. Suzhou BSE Corporation Information
Table 145. Suzhou BSE Description and Business Overview
Table 146. Suzhou BSE Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales (Unit), Revenue (US$ Million), Price (US$/Unit) and Gross Margin (2016-2021)
Table 147. Suzhou BSE Product
Table 148. Suzhou BSE Recent Development
Table 149. Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Trends
Table 150. Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Drivers
Table 151. Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Challenges
Table 152. Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Restraints
Table 153. Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Customers List
Table 154. Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Distributors List
Table 155. Research Programs/Design for This Report
Table 156. Key Data Information from Secondary Sources
Table 157. Key Data Information from Primary Sources
List of Figures
Figure 1. Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Product Picture
Figure 2. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Market Share by Type in 2020 & 2027
Figure 3. <500T Chillers Product Picture
Figure 4. 500-1000T Chillers Product Picture
Figure 5. 1000-2000T Chillers Product Picture
Figure 6. >2000T Chillers Product Picture
Figure 7. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Market Share by Application in 2020 & 2027
Figure 8. Commercial
Figure 9. Industrial
Figure 10. Others
Figure 11. Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Report Years Considered
Figure 12. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Size, (US$ Million), 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027
Figure 13. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Size 2016-2027 (US$ Million)
Figure 14. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales 2016-2027 (Unit)
Figure 15. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Size Market Share by Region: 2021 Versus 2027
Figure 16. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Market Share by Region (2016-2021)
Figure 17. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Market Share by Region in 2020
Figure 18. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Market Share by Region (2016-2021)
Figure 19. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Market Share by Region in 2020
Figure 20. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Share by Manufacturer in 2020
Figure 21. The Top 10 and 5 Players Market Share by Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue in 2020
Figure 22. Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3): 2016 VS 2020
Figure 23. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Market Share by Type (2016-2021)
Figure 24. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Market Share by Type in 2020
Figure 25. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Market Share by Type (2016-2021)
Figure 26. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Market Share by Type in 2020
Figure 27. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Market Share by Application (2016-2021)
Figure 28. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Market Share by Application in 2020
Figure 29. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Market Share by Application (2016-2021)
Figure 30. Global Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Market Share by Application in 2020
Figure 31. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate 2016-2027 (Unit)
Figure 32. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate 2016-2027 (US$ Million)
Figure 33. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Market Share in Global Market 2016-2027
Figure 34. China 5 and 10 Largest Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Players Market Share by Revenue in Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers in 2020
Figure 35. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Share by Type (2016-2021)
Figure 36. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate by Type in 2016 & 2020
Figure 37. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Share by Application (2016-2021)
Figure 38. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate by Application in 2016 & 2020
Figure 39. North America Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate 2016-2021 (Unit)
Figure 40. North America Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate 2016-2021 (US$ Million)
Figure 41. North America Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Market Share by Country in 2020
Figure 42. North America Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Market Share by Country in 2020
Figure 43. U.S. Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate (2016-2021) (Unit)
Figure 44. U.S. Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Figure 45. Canada Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate (2016-2021) (Unit)
Figure 46. Canada Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Figure 47. Europe Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate 2016-2021 (Unit)
Figure 48. Europe Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate 2016-2021 (US$ Million)
Figure 49. Europe Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Market Share by Country in 2020
Figure 50. Europe Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Market Share by Country in 2020
Figure 51. Germany Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate (2016-2021) (Unit)
Figure 52. Germany Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Figure 53. France Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate (2016-2021) (Unit)
Figure 54. France Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Figure 55. U.K. Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate (2016-2021) (Unit)
Figure 56. U.K. Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Figure 57. Italy Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate (2016-2021) (Unit)
Figure 58. Italy Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Figure 59. Russia Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate (2016-2021) (Unit)
Figure 60. Russia Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Figure 61. Asia Pacific Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate 2016-2021 (Unit)
Figure 62. Asia Pacific Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate 2016-2021 (US$ Million)
Figure 63. Asia Pacific Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Market Share by Region in 2020
Figure 64. Asia Pacific Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Market Share by Region in 2020
Figure 65. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate (2016-2021) (Unit)
Figure 66. China Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Figure 67. Japan Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate (2016-2021) (Unit)
Figure 68. Japan Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Figure 69. South Korea Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate (2016-2021) (Unit)
Figure 70. South Korea Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Figure 71. India Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate (2016-2021) (Unit)
Figure 72. India Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Figure 73. Australia Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate (2016-2021) (Unit)
Figure 74. Australia Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Figure 75. Taiwan Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate (2016-2021) (Unit)
Figure 76. Taiwan Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Figure 77. Indonesia Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate (2016-2021) (Unit)
Figure 78. Indonesia Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Figure 79. Thailand Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate (2016-2021) (Unit)
Figure 80. Thailand Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Figure 81. Malaysia Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate (2016-2021) (Unit)
Figure 82. Malaysia Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Figure 83. Philippines Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate (2016-2021) (Unit)
Figure 84. Philippines Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Figure 85. Vietnam Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate (2016-2021) (Unit)
Figure 86. Vietnam Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Figure 87. Latin America Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate 2016-2021 (Unit)
Figure 88. Latin America Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate 2016-2021 (US$ Million)
Figure 89. Latin America Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Market Share by Country in 2020
Figure 90. Latin America Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Market Share by Country in 2020
Figure 91. Mexico Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate (2016-2021) (Unit)
Figure 92. Mexico Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Figure 93. Brazil Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate (2016-2021) (Unit)
Figure 94. Brazil Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Figure 95. Argentina Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate (2016-2021) (Unit)
Figure 96. Argentina Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Figure 97. Middle East and Africa Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate 2016-2021 (Unit)
Figure 98. Middle East and Africa Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate 2016-2021 (US$ Million)
Figure 99. Middle East and Africa Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Market Share by Country in 2020
Figure 100. Middle East and Africa Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Market Share by Country in 2020
Figure 101. Turkey Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate (2016-2021) (Unit)
Figure 102. Turkey Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Figure 103. Saudi Arabia Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate (2016-2021) (Unit)
Figure 104. Saudi Arabia Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Figure 105. UAE Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Sales Growth Rate (2016-2021) (Unit)
Figure 106. UAE Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Revenue Growth Rate (2016-2021) (US$ Million)
Figure 107. Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers Value Chain
Figure 108. Channels of Distribution
Figure 109. Distributors Profiles
Figure 110. Bottom-up and Top-down Approaches for This Report
Figure 111. Data Triangulation
Figure 112. Key Executives Interviewed